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Solution To Excellent
Professional Consultancy

Increase in demanding high quality and skillful worker in global market required increase in knowledge of our human capital. The knowledge gap has to be reduced among the populations. Therefore, it is important to us that providing worker with opportunity to obtain extra knowledge and skills. Environmental deprivation is experience throughout the world and Malaysia is no exception. The earnest pursuit of economic progress to promote the population to a higher quality of life has left a trial of negative environmental impacts which threaten livelihood, environment and to neutralise the benefits derived from socio-economic activities that were implemented.


We Deliver Solutions To You
On-Job Services
Public Training
Audit Certification

OP Agro Tech Sdn Bhd (Company No :1307291-M)

Address: No. 23, Ground Floor SL 23, Uni Central, Phase 3, Kuching Samarahan Expressway, 94300 Kota Samarahan , Sarawak, Malaysia. Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |Registration : NREB/F/00165

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